Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Global Liberal Arts

Описание к видео Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Global Liberal Arts

Why Global Liberal Arts Programme (GLAP)?

ONE Degree with Multi-campus and Multi-country Learning Experience in at least TWO different continents
Interdisciplinary studies with specific professional study areas
Core courses taught by Chair Professors and faculty members with Teaching Excellence Awards across all Faculties
Worldwide network of prestigious partner universities and visiting partners such as Fudan University, the London School of Economics and Political Science, National Taiwan University, Peking University, Tsinghua University, Waseda University and Yonsei University
Mentorship by distinguished and committed Hong Kong and global leaders such as The Honourable Bernard Charnwut Chan GBS JP, Mr. Rex Auyeung Pak-kuen JP and Professor Frederick Ma Si-hang GBS JP

Programme Aims

The Global Liberal Arts Programme (GLAP) aims to:

Assist students in developing their intellectual and personal abilities by immersing them in a rich array of cross-disciplinary perspectives and deep reading and critical reflection of knowledge;
Expose them to a wide range of peoples and perspectives to enable them to view the world from various competing perspectives by enhancing their cross-cultural knowledge and how to deal with respect and sensitivity towards other cultures and societies;
Provide opportunities for students to work in a team and collaboratively to effectively address the many challenges with reason, evidence and civility; and
Given Hong Kong's unique position as the gateway between East and West, assist students in better understanding and appreciating the importance of international cooperation, global stability and mutual respect between nations and citizens.

Through the GLAP, students will acquire a broad spectrum of inter-disciplinary knowledge with global and regional perspectives. Together with the multi-campus experience gained through exchange programmes across continents, students of the GLAP will have a strong international outlook coupled with excellent intellectual, problem-solving, communication and critical thinking skills.


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