Malaysia Lockdown: Shopping in Empty Malls, KL | MCO Updated & Relaxed, 5th May VLOG

Описание к видео Malaysia Lockdown: Shopping in Empty Malls, KL | MCO Updated & Relaxed, 5th May VLOG

This is what Malaysia in lockdown looks like and what Kuala Lumpur looks like with the MCO relaxing.

We are still here in Malaysia - and have been in lockdown for nearly 8 weeks - we are excited to be able to shop whilst the MCO is relaxed. Lockdown isn't over and we respect that, so we step out for a quick shop before returning to our abode. Malaysia's lockdown relaxed but are the Malls & Streets still Empty?

Quick note to say thank you for having us as guests in Malaysia, what a fantastic country and a great response to Coronavirus.

Veggies on Tour


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