ANDROXUS Flickshots faster and faster - LEVEL#3

Описание к видео ANDROXUS Flickshots faster and faster - LEVEL#3

Best flickshot video :    • Androxus Flickshots. - LEVEL #5  
Flicks on tanks 1v1 is good to train trust me
Road to best andro keepo (:
Music used : Night Lovell - Still Cold / M4 Performance (Prod. Dylan Brady)
Credit to Elwizz for the song and thx to Etsuuu and Froozee for having 1v1ed me ;)
Bandicam is because i can't use any other recorder if i want a decent quality :( Cuz I have a really bad connection and not so much money :(
If sometimes you are not sure I touch, you can use the pause button or watch the hitmarkers.
It's not aimbot it's just the game which can't follow my that's how works the game :)


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