Описание к видео LOOTING 600 KK BACKPACK!

Hello Tibia Player today I bring you a PK video like the ones that are needed in tibia!
Everything is for you to laugh and enjoy with the video. Like to support me!
Subscribe to see more epic videos of Tibia Share it with that Tibian friend who loves the game as much as you do.
BLACK JACK TIBIA LINK HERE - https://tibiablackjack.com/r/tenkotsuh
-Game: Tibia
-Instagram: @tenkotsuh
-Guild: Escamot
-Twich: @tenkotsuh
Discord Tenkotsuh   / discord  
Hola tibiano hoy te traigo un vídeo de PK como los que hacen falta en tibia!
Esta grabado en varios servidores.
Dale a me gusta para apoyarme!
Suscribe te para ver más vídeos épicos de Tibia
Compártelo con ese amig@ tibiano que le apasiona el juego tanto como a ti.
BLACK JACK TIBIA LINK AQUÍ - https://tibiablackjack.com/r/tenkotsuh
-Juego: Tibia
-Instagram: @tenkotsuh
-Guild: Escamot
-Twich: @tenkotsuh
Discord Tenkotsuh   / discord  
Track: ROY KNOX - Lost In Sound
Music Provided By: Magic Records
Listen To The Original:    • ROY KNOX - Lost In Sound (Magic Free ...  
Fanlink: https://fanlink.to/lis

Track: Max Brhon - Humanity [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Watch:    • Max Brhon - Humanity | Electronic | N...  
Free Download / Stream: http://ncs.io/Humanity

Track: Koven x Roy - About Me [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Watch:    • Koven x ROY KNOX - About Me | Drumste...  
Free Download / Stream: ncsmusic.lnk.to/AboutMe


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