After Sex Orgasms and Play Tips

Описание к видео After Sex Orgasms and Play Tips

I received a question from a client who’s having great success giving his woman full body orgasms. He asked if I had any tips for after sex play ideas. I like this question because it first makes us question “When does sex end?”. Conventional wisdom usually paints the story of the man orgasming, usually too quickly, and then he rolls over and falls asleep leaving his woman unsatisfied and craving more.

Hopefully by now you understand the value in giving your woman an orgasm before sex begins because she’ll be 10 times more likely to orgasm during sex since she will already be orgasmic. Then you can give her multiple orgasms during sex. Yet sometimes you, as the guy, might ejaculate yet your woman might still be heavily turned on and craving more.

Men usually experience a refractory period after we ejaculate making it difficult to get an erection or ejaculate again right away. Women do not experience the same refractory period even though they get the same release of oxytocin and prolactin. This means your woman can experience multiple orgasms until she’s satisfied. This also means that even though we might have ejaculated we can still continue to stimulate her digitally (using your fingers) to give her more orgasms. This makes G-spot and A-spot stimulation, and even oral sex perfect after sex play ideas.

Once you’ve both had your fill of orgasms make sure to take the time to cuddle and play around with her after sex. Rolling over and just going to sleep will leave her with a sense of emptiness and give her a bad association. Hold her in your arms and gaze into her eyes and tell her how beautiful she is. This will feel genuine because you just shared an amazing experience together and you’re telling her this from your heart and not just to get to sex. This will make her feel wanted which will make her want sex from you more in the future.

After sex is a perfect time to cuddle, tickle, be playful, be genuine and also a perfect time to do something selfless like give her a massage. Image she just had the best orgasmic release of her life and her man takes the time to release all remaining tension in her muscles. You’re going to have a very happy woman on your hands and she’s going to be super excited to have sex with you again. It’s what we do for others that ultimately makes us happy, so take the time to do everything you can for her and you’ll get back ten times what you give.

If you want to make sure she's had an orgasm you can check out my educational video on my blog here:


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