Street Fighter Zero 3 for Matching Service playthrough (Dreamcast) (1CC)

Описание к видео Street Fighter Zero 3 for Matching Service playthrough (Dreamcast) (1CC)

Playthrough with Ryu (who's known as Evil Ryu outside Japan). This version was only released in Japan, and I think you could only get it by ordering it from either SEGA or Capcom directly (several other Capcom Dreamcast games were available this way originally, such as Vampire Chronicle).

From what I've gathered, the only major change to this version is that it adds an online mode. I haven't checked myself, but I've read that the problems with the original version still apply here, such as the smaller character sprites and problems with V-Ism combos.

But if you aren't a hardcore player then there's nothing wrong with this version. However, if you've already got the first version of Dreamcast Zero 3, there's probably little reason to own this one also.


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