Get to Know Wounda's Tchimpounga Sanctuary Story of Hope

Описание к видео Get to Know Wounda's Tchimpounga Sanctuary Story of Hope

JGI does not endorse handling or close proximity to wildlife. This represents a sanctuary context with trained professionals. Wounda is a very special chimpanzee. Stolen for the illegal wild meat trade, Wounda was very close to death when she arrived at JGI's Tchimpounga Sanctuary in the Republic of the Congo - so close to death, that's what her name actually means. Thanks to the innovative care of JGI staff - providing the first known chimpanzee-to-chimpanzee blood transfusion across any country in Africa - Wounda survived. Today, she's not only surviving, but thriving! Released onto Tchimpounga's Sanctuary islands with other integrated rescued chimpanzees, Wounda is alpha and mother to Hope.

Every year, thousands of chimpanzees like Wounda are stolen from their families and the wild. Thankfully, powerful, loving Wounda was given a second chance at a happy life at JGI's Tchimpounga Sanctuary in Republic of the Congo.

Get to know her story and become (or gift) a Chimpanzee Guardian to support her care at:

#Chimpanzee #Hope #DrJaneGoodall


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