How To Turn Your Sim Into A Spellcaster | The Sims 4 Guide

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How to turn your sim into a witch or wizard (Spellcaster) in the Sims 4. To do this, you'll need The Sims 4 Realm of Magic Game Pack installed.

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You can create a spellcaster directly in Create A Sim, but to turn an existing sim into a witch or wizard you will need to do the following.

Have them travel to Glimmerbrook, and enter the most western lot called Glimmerbrook Watch, and follow the past north west to a portal. Enter it travel to the magic realm.

Find one of the sages, either Morgan Ember, the sage of Untamed Magic, Simeon Silversweater, the sage of Practical Magic, or L. Faba, the sage of Mischief Magic, and ask them how to use magic, before selecting 'I was born ready'.

You must then collect 7 magical motes, located around the magic realm. Turn them in, and you'll be transformed into a witch or wizard.

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