UP में सड़कों पर उतरे हजारों छात्र..| सरकार के किस फैसले से हैं नाराज ? | BY ANKIT AVASTHI SIR

Описание к видео UP में सड़कों पर उतरे हजारों छात्र..| सरकार के किस फैसले से हैं नाराज ? | BY ANKIT AVASTHI SIR

In Uttar Pradesh, thousands of students have flooded the streets in protest, voicing their discontent with a recent government decision that has shaken the student community. 🚨 What is the reason behind this widespread unrest, and what are the students demanding? Join Ankit Avasthi Sir as he unpacks the key issues and implications of this significant movement.

The exact government decision that has triggered these large-scale protests
Why students feel this decision impacts their future and educational opportunities
Potential responses from the government and how this might affect students across the state
Insightful analysis of the broader impact on education policy and youth rights

#StudentProtest #UttarPradesh #AnkitAvasthi #CurrentAffairs #EducationReform #StudentRights #EducationPolicy #YouthRights

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