2023 SHORINJI KEMPO World Taikai / Demonstration of each country / 少林寺拳法世界大会 in東京 / 初日各国演武披露

Описание к видео 2023 SHORINJI KEMPO World Taikai / Demonstration of each country / 少林寺拳法世界大会 in東京 / 初日各国演武披露

2023年少林寺拳法世界大会 in Tokyo, Japan
大会1日目 各国披露演武

2023 SHORINJI KEMPO World Taikai in Tokyo, Japan
Day1 Demonstration of each country

11 countries
New Zealand, Netherland, Kyrgyzstan, Italy, Spain, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Germany, UK, USA, Poland
*Sorry for the Polish demonstration team. Due to a computer problem, the recording cut out before the final demonstration. The archive will be available on the website in a few days.

10月7日、8日 ライブ中継 / Live streaming

【Shorinji Kempo training】
   • 少林寺拳法&トレーニング方法/Sorinjikempo&training  


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