/D/O/O/M/E/R/ │ Depressive Black Metal Compilation

Описание к видео /D/O/O/M/E/R/ │ Depressive Black Metal Compilation


Nocturnal Depression - Anthem to Self-Destruction 0:00 - 8:46
Happy Days - A World of Pain 8:46 - 16:17
Hanging Garden - Somewhere in My Heart 16:17 - 22:35
Dyster - Without You (Broken Heart) 22:35 - 32:54
Happy Days - What It Feels to Be Unloved 32:54 - 40:12
Through the Pain - Time Heals Nothing 40:12 - 49:52
Hanging Garden - An Urge to Withdraw 49:52 - 54:50
Happy Days - Don't Go 54:50 - 1:00:00
Happy Days - Broken 1:00:00 - 1:05:49
Hanging Garden - Under the Hanging Vines 1:05:49 - 1:14:12
Nocturnal Depression - Her Ghost Haunts These Walls 1:14:12 - 1:25:15
Happy Days - Letting Go 1:25:15 - 1:35:15
... - Tears of An Anguished Soul 1:35:15 - 1:41:52
Psychonaut 4 - How Much for the Hope? 1:41:52 - 1:49:22
Strid - Det Hviskes Blant Sorte Vinder 1:49:22 - 1:55:19
Nocturnal Depression - Nostalgia 1:55:19 - 2:04:33
Xasthur - Prison of Mirrors 2:04:33 - 2:17:16
Sadness - Useless 2:17:16 - 2:29:25

#depressiveblackmetal #doomer #dsbm


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