Are Welfare Programmes Just Keeping People Out of Work? An Economist's Take on Benefits Street

Описание к видео Are Welfare Programmes Just Keeping People Out of Work? An Economist's Take on Benefits Street

Speaker(s): Dr Camille Landais
Chair: Professor Wouter Den Haan

Recorded on 17 February 2015 in New Theatre, East Building.

Dr Landais will examine the latest research into the best ways of determining the optimal level of welfare provision and social insurance in developed economies.

Camille Landais is a member of the faculty of the LSE Department of Economics, and an Associate on the Public Economics Programme at STICERD.

Wouter Den Haan is Professor of Economics and Co-Director of the Centre for Macroeconomics.

The Department of Economics at LSE (@LSEEcon) is one of the largest economics departments in the world. Its size ensures that all areas of economics are strongly represented in both research and teaching.

The Centre For Macroeconomics (@CFMUK) brings together world-class experts to carry out pioneering research on the global economic crisis and to help design policies that alleviate it.


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