ভারতের জ'ম লুৎফুজ্জামান বাবরের অজানা যত তথ্য।

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One of Bangladesh's top YouTube channels is bayanno world. The channel broadcasts news bulletins and analyses of current events in international affairs that are based on stories that have been published in world media. In addition, documentaries about important global issues are broadcast on television.

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Some copyrighted content may be used on this channel without the owner's express consent; nevertheless, content used here is protected by "Fair Use," as defined by Chapter 6, Section 36, and Chapter 13 Section 72 of The Copyright Act 2000 Law No. 28 of the year 2000 of Bangladesh. In line with that legislation, "fair use" is permitted for activities including commentary, teaching, research, news reporting, and criticism. A use that could otherwise be unlawful but is allowed under copyright statutes is known as fair use. The balance is tipped in favor of fair usage by nonprofit, instructional, or private use.Disclaimer of Copyright Fair use is permitted for activities including criticism, commentary, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research under Section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976.


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