OnlyFleets pipes pain to Hold My Probs - The perfect pipe bomb ( Raw Video )

Описание к видео OnlyFleets pipes pain to Hold My Probs - The perfect pipe bomb ( Raw Video )

OnlyFleets alliance pulls off the perfect pipebomb against Hold My Probs. This was very well planned out in detail and executed to perfection.

We had a large scale fight planned an hour away, defending our friends system from hostile forces who had anchored 2 fortizars and a sotiyo in their system. Knowing who our enemies were and the route they had to take, plans were made to execute the perfect pipebomb against one of the fleets making their way towards their staging system.

Hold My Probs alliance planned to move a 75 man CFI fleet, along with command ships and logi towards their forum-up point. Little did they know we had the perfect plan waiting for them, a rooks & kings style pipebomb awaited their arrival.


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