Alkane || Newman's projection formula || Preparation || Reaction || Halogenation Mechanism ||

Описание к видео Alkane || Newman's projection formula || Preparation || Reaction || Halogenation Mechanism ||

This video includes:-
1) The structure of alkane
2) Conformations
3) Newman's Projection formula
4) Preparation of alkane using Grignard reagent
5) Preparation of alkane using Lithium and cux
6) Relative stability of conformations
7) Physical properties of alkane
8) Preparation of alkane by Wurtz reaction
9) Halogenation of alkane
10) Free radicle mechanism of halogenation of alkane
11) Relative reactivity of halogens in halogenation of alkane
12) Reactivity and selectivity of halogens
This video includes:-
1) The structure of alkane in nepali
2) Conformations in nepali
3) Newman's Projection formula in nepali
4) Preparation of alkane using Grignard reagent in nepali
5) Preparation of alkane using Lithium and cux in nepali
6) Relative stability of conformations in nepali
7) Physical properties of alkane in nepali
8) Preparation of alkane by Wurtz reaction in nepali
9) Halogenation of alkane in nepali
10) Free radicle mechanism of halogenation of alkane in nepali
11) Relative reactivity of halogens in halogenation of alkane in nepali
12) Reactivity and selectivity of halogens in nepali


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