COCKATOOS - Entertaining birds, and they can be loud!

Описание к видео COCKATOOS - Entertaining birds, and they can be loud!

In Australia, from where I'm writing, there are about 14 species of Cockatoo. Probably the most common is the sulphur-crested cockatoo, which is white with a yellow crest. Those cockatoos (or "Cockies" as they are affectionately known here) are incredibly loud. If you are near a tree with a large flock of cockatoos in its branches, the sound can be deafening!
We also have black cockatoos, but they are less common. Galahs (birds with grey back feathers, pink chests and white heads) are members of the Cockatoo family. They also mimic human speech in a similar way to the sulphur-crested cockatoos. Corellas, which don't have a prominent crest, are also a type of Cockatoo.
The cockatiel is also classfied as a Cockatoo, but it is much smaller and is considered a medium-size parrot. Cockatiels are often considered good companion birds and are very friendly.

Music attribution:
Daily Beetle by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence.




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