Winning Against a Fed Enemy Jungler! (Gwen Jungle Live Commentary)

Описание к видео Winning Against a Fed Enemy Jungler! (Gwen Jungle Live Commentary)

S14 Gwungle guides here!    • S14 Gwen Jungle Guide! Part 1 : The B...      • S14 Gwen Jungle Guide! Part 2 : Advan...  

Fed jungler? No problem, just keep calm, farm, and eventually collect his shutdown once you get your powerspikes!

Akali and Garen are problematic for Gwen but I managed to survive and end the game, yay! (:

I am running Gwen's standard rune page (Conqueror, Triumph, Alacrity, Last Stand, Cosmic Insight, Magical footwear, attack speed shard, AP shard and HP shard). Mejais provided great value here and rabadons too! ^_^ Riftmaker for the Hecarim and Akali (melee champs), sorceror's shoes to one shot squishies, Nashor's for farm and Zhonyas for amour (especially useful for turret dives!) I would say this is Gwen's standard build if you are fed and ahead c:


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