Table Manners : Basic Dining Etiquette

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Table Manners
Whether you're eating at a fancy restaurant, in the cafeteria, or at home with friends and families, good table manners make for a more pleasant meal. While you may not need to worry about confusing your salad fork with your desert fork when dining with friends, some basic table manners should never be forgotten. Here are some easy-to-follow Do's and Don'ts:

Table Manner DO'S
Sit properly (and straight) in your chair
Talk about pleasant things
Place your napkin on your lap
Wait until everyone is seated before starting to eat
Watch others, or ask, if you're not sure how to eat something
Ask someone to pass the food, rather than reach across the table
Chew with your mouth closed
Don't talk with your mouth full
Use a knife and fork to cut your meat
Say "excuse me" or "I'm sorry" if you burp
Say "no thank you" if you don't want a certain dish or are full
Say "may I please be excused" before leaving the table
Table Manner DON'TS
Don't talk about gross things
Don't ask for seconds before others have had firsts
Don't take more than your fair share
Don't overload your fork or plate
Don't gobble your food
Don't chew with your mouth open
Don't talk with your mouth full
Don't play at the table
Don't hum or sing at the table
Don't tip your chair or lean on the table
Don't eat with or lick your fingers
Don't push your plate away when you're finished


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