Presentation by Santiago Sierra and Q&A, part of Symposium Ecological Thinking in Border Zones

Описание к видео Presentation by Santiago Sierra and Q&A, part of Symposium Ecological Thinking in Border Zones

⟶ No Borders, No Nations

His work takes up and updates some of the strategies of Minimalism, conceptual art and performance art of the 1970s, going beyond their strictly formal dimension and imbuing them with a strong political and social content that has sometimes made him controversial. However, his method is not based on criticism or denunciation, but on a simple work of visibility. The perverse nature of labour and exploitation in the capitalist environment, the unequal distribution of wealth, racial discrimination in a world marked by unidirectional migratory flows and the repressive function of states are some of the thematic axes of his work. On this occasion, Sierra will analyse some of his works that focus on the question of colonialism and the absurdity of borders.

Santiago Sierra (Madrid), inspired by the formal language of minimal and conceptual art of the 1960s and 70s, relentlessly depicts social realities and exposes grievances in social structures. His works are provocative and confrontational: works in which underprivileged or marginalised people are hired for money to perform meaningless tasks, as well as spectacular interventions in urban space address power structures, exclusion mechanisms and exploitative working conditions.


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