Housekeeping Instructions : How to Wash Silk

Описание к видео Housekeeping Instructions : How to Wash Silk

To wash silk, mix a gentle laundry detergent in lukewarm water, place the garment in the bowl, agitate it a little in the water, and let it soak for 10 to 15 minutes. Lay the garment out flat on a towel to dry with instructions from a professional house cleaner in this free video on housekeeping.

Expert: Rachel Yatuzis
Bio: Rachel Yatuzis is a professional house cleaner in Nashville, Tenn., specializing in using everyday household items for cleaning purposes.
Filmmaker: Tim Brown

Series Description: Keeping a house clean takes time and diligence. Learn to place a stamp between heavy books to flatten it out and more with instructions from a professional house cleaner in this free video series on housekeeping.


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