Attention ❗️Very tasty chicken liver ❗️ľve been Cooking it like this for 20 years 💯

Описание к видео Attention ❗️Very tasty chicken liver ❗️ľve been Cooking it like this for 20 years 💯

Attention ❗️ Chicken liver is very tasty ❗️ I have been cooking for my family for 20 years, the recipe for cooking liver chicken is simple and delicious, soft and tasty! Great recipe, cook deliciously and in a good mood.
500 grams of chicken liver
2 eggs
1 onion
2 tablespoons of flour
Salt and black pepper
1 cup of rice
1 carrot
1 onion
fresh dill

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Good appetite, friends, I will see you soon

Achtung ❗️ Hühnerleber ist sehr lecker ❗️ Ich koche seit 20 Jahren für meine Familie, das Rezept zum Kochen von Leberhuhn ist einfach und lecker, weich und lecker. Tolles Rezept, lecker und gut gelaunt kochen!
500 Gramm Hühnerleber
2 Eier
1 Zwiebel
2 Esslöffel Mehl
Salz und schwarzer Pfeffer
1 Tasse Reis
1 Karotte
1 Zwiebel
frischer Dill

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