Building a Digital Twin Service in 10 Minutes with FOSS4G! - 오픈소스로 10분만에 디지털트윈 서비스하기!

Описание к видео Building a Digital Twin Service in 10 Minutes with FOSS4G! - 오픈소스로 10분만에 디지털트윈 서비스하기!

How to Build a Digital Twin Service in 10 Minutes with FOSS4G!" was showcased at the KSIS (Korea Spatial Information Society) Spring Conference on May 16th. The demonstration included uploading and converting various data types to create a digital twin of Sejong City. These data types included:

1m DEM (GeoTiff) to Quantized Mesh
2D building footprints (SHP) to Extruded 3D Tiles
Photo-realistic 3D buildings (3DS) to 3D Tiles
BIM (IFC) to 3D Tiles
Point cloud (LAZ) to 3D Tiles
Underground facilities (SHP) to Augmented 3D Tiles

The data was successfully processed and converted into a digital twin service! mago3DTiler( and mago3DMesher were employed to showcase this.

2024년 대한공간정보학회 춘계학술대회에서 발표한 내용입니다. "오픈소스로 10분만에 디지털트윈 서비스하기"를 현장에서 본 동영상처럼 시연하였습니다.

총 1GB 크기의 6종 데이터를 동영상처럼 10분 안에 표준적인 포맷으로 변환하고 서비스하였습니다.

1m DEM (GeoTiff) to Quantized Mesh
2D building footprints (SHP) to Extruded 3D Tiles
Photo-realistic 3D buildings (3DS) to 3D Tiles
BIM (IFC) to 3D Tiles
Point cloud (LAZ) to 3D Tiles
Underground facilities (SHP) to Augmented 3D Tiles

사용한 오픈소스 프로젝트는 mago3DTiler( mago3DMesher입니다.


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