Don't Fall In This TRAP - Avoid YouTube Addiction During JEE Preparation?

Описание к видео Don't Fall In This TRAP - Avoid YouTube Addiction During JEE Preparation?

YouTube has emerged as a very prominent platform for the JEE Mains, JEE Advanced, NEET and other competition exam preparation.

Most of the students refer to YouTube for the JEE preparation and they get benefited a lot.

Right from guidance on strategies to live & recorded lectures.

But there's a big problem with this too. Many students waste too much time on Youtube spending hours scrolling and repeatedly watching same stuff again and again.

As a JEE aspirant or aspirant of any other competitive exam like NEET, you have to be disciplined and spend your time wisely.

You can't spend hours daily on Youtube even after you are already enrolling to a coaching centre.

This video covers all aspects of youtube for JEE preparation and what is the right way to use Youtube for effective JEE preparation as well as avoid wasting time on Youtube.
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