Jesus Bible Codes - Revealed Throughout the Hebrew Bible

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Jesus Bible Codes - Revealed Throughout the Hebrew Bible

Yacov Rambsel has discovered an astonishing pattern of significant letters spelling the Name 'Jesus' [Yeshua] encoded at equally spaced intervals beneath the Hebrew text of the Old Testament. God encoded these Hebrew letters spelling the name of His Messiah - Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus the Christ) - in each of the great Messianic prophecies. These incredible coded words provide profound insights revealing Who Yeshua is, His origin, His mission, and His destiny to return as God's Messiah to establish the eternal kingdom of God.

Millions of Christians and Jews have heard about the phenomenal Hebrew codes discovered in the Word of God. Yacov Rambsel astonished Biblical scholars and students alike with his fascinating discovery that God had encoded the Hebrew Name of Jesus [Yeshua] in virtually EVERY Messianic prophecy in the Old Testament.

An astonishing new discovery reveals that God encoded the Name of "Jesus", the "Nazarene", and all of His disciples (except for Judas) in the great Messianic passage of Isaiah 53 over 700 years before the events took place. (Even the name of the replacement for Judas, Matthias, was found.) Additional discoveries include, "Pilate", "Herod", "Mary" and so much more.

"I knew His Name (Yeshua/Jesus) was in there (the Tanakh - Old Testament) but I couldn't prove it until I learned enough Hebrew. As the Spirit of the Lord moved, He would direct me to certain passages - He would tell me where the passage was. I would be outside praying and I would come running into the house to tell my wife...the Lord has just shown me something and I must look it up (by hand without computers) in the Hebrew Scriptures, and there I would find the Name of Yeshua hidden in code over and over and over again. I thank God and I give Jesus all the credit. You know, Jesus was more Jewish than anyone because He was the 'Kosher Jew', He was complete, He was 100% without sin - perfect. He was God (YHVH) manifested in the flesh. Yeshua is the Son of God, there is no question about it." -Yacov Rambsel

Example from Isaiah 53:
Counting every 20 letters, the Hebrew letters read, "Yeshua is My Name".
Statisticians have analyzed this discovery and their final deduction is that the chances of this occurrence taking place by random accident is 50 quadrillion to 1 [that's 50 with 15 zeros after it] (in other words, it is impossible to be a coincidence - the words are absolutely designed to be there, without question - guaranteed).

The Name 'Yeshua' (Jesus) appears throughout Genesis and Exodus and throughout the Torah, and the Prophets and the Psalms in supernatural equi-distant sequences. For example in Proverbs, "What is His Son's Name? Surely you know." [Prov 30:4] The Bible answers this riddle in code. Counting every 22 letters in this passage, it reads 'Yeshua Shai' meaning, 'Yeshua (Jesus) is the Gift'.

The New Covenant is mentioned in many places in the Tanakh but in Jeremiah 31 it plainly reads: I will make a New Covenant with the people of Israel and with the people of Judah...My laws will be written on their hearts...and they will all know Me, and I will remember their sins no more.

In Ezekiel 37, in the last days, the "two trees" represent the two separated houses of Israel and Judah. God will bring the "two sticks" together and make them one again (when the New Covenant is ultimately, literally and finally fulfilled at the End of days - at the return of the Messiah).

Counting every 99 letters in this passage, spells 'Mashiach' (Messiah). In other words, the Messiah is the One Who ratifies the New Covenant.

In Leviticus, it reads "it is the blood (of an unblemished lamb) that makes atonement for sins - forgiveness of sins". In Leviticus from the 17-th to the 21-st chapter, it discusses the anointing of the High Priest, and forgiveness of sins. Encoded in Lev 21:10, counting every 3 letters, reads: "Behold the blood of Yeshua".

This is actually written, in a supernatural code, in the Hebrew Scriptures and it occurs over and over and over again - throughout the entire Tanakh (Old Testament).

Yacov also found the expression, 'Yeshua the Son' in the Tanakh.

In the book of Ruth, where it mentions Boaz as the kinsman redeemer, in code appears 'Melech Yeshua' (King Jesus).

Further details and research are found in Yacov's books, 'Yeshua the Hebrew Factor', 'Yeshua:The Name of Jesus Revealed in the Old Testament', and 'His Name is Jesus'.

QuikGospel - New Covenant Biblical Truth - is a YouTube channel resulting from 30 years of dedicated independent Biblical research from a perspective known as "The Jewish-Roots of the Christian Faith".

This channel is for everyone - no one is exempt from the eternal Gospel message. [Rev 14:6]

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