Big Boy Stawberry Pie

Описание к видео Big Boy Stawberry Pie

You can make a strawberry pie just like Big Boy does. This is the perfect way to enjoy strawberries. This pie is quick and easy to make, and you only need a few simple ingredients for this pie.

You can find this recipe at

Hi. I'm Quick and easy Big Boy Strawberry Pie.

I'm going to show you how to make your own homemade strawberry pie that
tastes a lot like Big Boy's strawberry pie. Springtime is the perfect time
to make strawberry pie because they're in season; they're fresh and
wonderfully sweet. They're just beautiful. I'm going to show you how to put
together this pie. It's really quick and simple. Let me tell you what's in
the recipe. We are going to use water, corn starch, a little bit of red
food coloring, fresh strawberries, and a prebaked pie shell.

I shouldn't have said prebaked, I should have said premade pie shell. I
like to use the ones that are refrigerated. They just come from the grocery
store. All I'm doing is putting this in the pie pan and I'm going to shape
and crimp the edges just a little bit to make it look homemade. Then I'm
going to pierce the pie shell with a fork and knock out any air bubbles.
I'm going to bake this at 350 until it's golden brown. It's going to take
about 10 or 12 minutes.

Now we are going to make the gel center for the pie. Into the pot goes 1
cup of water, ¾ cup of sugar, and 2 tablespoons of corn starch. If you're
gluten-free this pie would be great, except for you need to swap out the
pie shell for something that's gluten-free.

What are we going to do now? We are going to mix this furiously. We want to
make sure that we have a nice evenly blended solution here. We don't want
there to be any little pockets of corn starch hanging around. We need to
add our red food coloring, so go ahead and get that in too, and just stir,
stir, stir.

I am going to heat this up on a medium to a medium-high heat for about 5 to
6 minutes. That's all that it's going to take for this to gel perfectly.
You do want to keep your eye on it, coming back every minute or so and
giving it a nice little stir. When it has gelled perfectly, the color
changes and it thickens up really nicely. You can tell how it is by
sticking a spoon in it, coating it. If the gel doesn't run back over the
spoon, you know it's done.

While this is cooling, I am going to get my strawberries prepped. If
they're really, really large, I'm going to go ahead and cut those in half
because I don't like ginormous strawberries in my pie. If there are any bad
spots or really soft spots, go ahead and trim those off while you're
prepping your strawberries. This recipe takes about 1 pound of
strawberries. If you have more strawberries, go ahead and use them. It's
going to be fantastic in here.

Now what I'm going to do is make my whipped cream topping. I'm actually
going to do this homemade. What do I have in here? I have a pint of
whipping cream and I'm putting just a touch of vanilla; no sugar in here.
We're going to whip this until it is nice, thick, and fabulous. You don't
have to, but I'm going to go ahead and stuff mine in a pastry bag so I can
pipe it. Again, you don't have to, you can just spoon it on the pie. People
will not care. It's fabulous when you make homemade desserts; they're just
glad to have strawberry pie.

It's time to assemble the pie. I'm going to put my strawberries into the
pie shell. I'm just going to try to arrange them to where they're pretty
even. If you have lots of strawberries, Big Boy's is already know for
mounding these strawberries up in the center, so if you have extra go ahead
and use those, but again, I made this with 1 pound of strawberries because
that's the most common size of strawberries I find in my store. I'm going
to use what I have.

Next goes the cooled gel, because we've made whipping cream while we were
doing this. You just want to pour this in. You may just want to give the
pan just a quick little shake, and decorate. There you go. Put this in the
refrigerator and there you go. There is Big Boy's Strawberry Pie.

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