1st Profession of Franciscan Tertiaries of the Immaculate

Описание к видео 1st Profession of Franciscan Tertiaries of the Immaculate

Ave Maria!
On the Solemnity of Our Lady's Assumption 10 individuals made their 1st profession as Third Order Members. The Third Order was founded by St. Francis himself in Cannara, Italy in 1221 to assist individuals along the road to achieving the highest love of God & neighbor. St. Francis did not begin this form of life without an indescribable love for Mary and by embracing Lady Poverty, as St. Francis called it after the example Christ himself who showed us this way from His crib to His Cross. This is freely undertaken out of love for God and according to one's vocation and state in life and was intended for those who did not belong to the First Order of Friars or the Second Order of Poor Clares.

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