Deen Over Dunya - Inspired Revert - Nasheed (Halal Beats)

Описание к видео Deen Over Dunya - Inspired Revert - Nasheed (Halal Beats)

We are excited to announce the highly anticipated New Single by Inspired Revert - Deen Over Dunya (CDWM Productions)

Official release date is the 15th January 2024 12pm GMT.

This is Nasheed number 4 released by Inspired Revert.
In collaboration with ‪@comedeenwithme5109‬ and ‪@HalalBeatsWorld‬ and ‪@nasheedbeatss‬ .

Inspired Revert has amassed a massive following after the release of his first three singles Guided Me, On My Way and Elevate. He mixes a blend of Islamic and street vibes to bring you his unique style of Dawah in Nasheed format.

Guided me, On My Way & Elevate was not only loved by Muslims and non-Muslims alike but also by fellow Nasheed artists such as Muslim Bilal, Omar Esa, ibby Official and endorsed by other major brands such as Halal Beats, Global Deen Wear and British Muslim TV.

Get ready for the highly anticipated release of Inspired Reverts fourth Nasheed “Deen Over Dunya” available on Spotify, Itunes, YouTube music and other major outlets.
Released for the sake of Allah swt and the purposes of giving dawah.

Lets get behind Inspired Revert and help push this Nasheed to the next level. Please share, react, forward and re-post wherever you can.

With thanks to everyone that was involved getting this project off the ground. Thanks to the film crew and actors. Thanks to the music producers, lighting & sound engineers. Video producers and editors and most importantly thanks to you the followers and supporters without you all this would not be possible.

Love going out to the CDWM family Chris Rampage & Ray TruthMatters.

Enjoy Bismillah............

Please note there have been no musical instuments used in this production. The beat is from a Daff and all sounds are vocals. May Allah swt keep us all on the straight path, Ameen.


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