6 Reasons Why Alcohol Destroys Muscle Growth! | IS YOUR TIME BEING "WASTED"?

Описание к видео 6 Reasons Why Alcohol Destroys Muscle Growth! | IS YOUR TIME BEING "WASTED"?

(0:54)- Brian DeCosta - POWERBUILDING 101 (5 Week Program)
(2:31)- Reason #1: Excessive Alcohol Consumption Lowers Your Testosterone
(3:38)- Testosterone: How To Optimize Your T-Levels Through Nutrition & Lifestyle!
   • Testosterone: How To Optimize Your T-...  
(6:40)- Reason #2: Alcohol Inhibits Recovery
(8:21)- Reason #3: Alcohol Makes You Dehydrated
(9:57)- Reason #4: Alcohol Lacks Nutrients, & Prevents You From Properly Absorbing Vitamins & Minerals
(11:17)- Reason #5: Alcohol Prevents Fat Burning
(13:31)- Reason #6: Excessive Drinking Can Contribute To Prostate Cancer
(14:56)- http://muscularstrength.com/article/B...


Today we’re going to be talking about the 6 Reasons Why Alcohol Destroys Muscle Growth. Now I know this isn’t something you want to hear, especially during the summer, holidays or weekends, but if you’re spending quality time counting your macros each day to reach your goals you need to know how alcohol can affect your ability to reach them as well.

But just to be clear guys, I’m not here to ruin your fun or your night life and say that you can never have a drink with friends or to relax. I just want to help you make better decisions so instead of getting WASTED when you go out, you try to be a bit more conservative while still having a good time.

Reason #1: Excessive Alcohol Consumption Lowers Your Testosterone
When I was in college I used to get a lot hate from people at parties because I didn’t drink much or sometimes at all. But it had nothing to do with health reasons, I just didn’t care for it. But when dudes would tell me to “be a man and drink more” I had the best response and I would say:

“ACTUALLY, drinking lowers your testosterone levels so technically each sip is making YOU less of a man than me.”

So as you can see… I always made lots of friends at bars and parties…

But seriously guys, we all know how important testosterone is for building muscle and the lower your testosterone, the tougher it’s going to be for you to gain muscle. I already have an article regarding testosterone and how to increase it naturally so I won’t get into that now. But if you want to check it out you can read more about it HERE later.

So, in a nutshell, the more alcohol you drink the larger the drop in your testosterone levels will be. Having 1 drink will have little to no effect on your testosterone levels, but consuming as many as 3 or more CAN start to have a massive impact on your ability to grow muscle because of the drop sudden drop. Believe it or not, 3 drinks can lead to a 25% drop in your normal testosterone levels and that’s one quarter of your ability to build muscle out the window! Now, I know what you are going to ask. Is beer the same as whiskey? Of course not! Every alcoholic beverage is different and your body’s reaction to it also depends on your sex and your bodyweight.

Beer, for example, often contains two chemicals that can increase estrogen (and therefore decrease testosterone): phytoestrogen and prolactin. These chemicals are found in hops and in barley which are two very common ingredients in many beers. Wine also contains phytoestrogen and even some liquors, like bourbon, contain these chemicals as well. So if these chemicals can increase your natural levels of estrogen, it should be clear as to why drinking too much can lower your testosterone.

But women actually have the opposite problem.Excessive alcohol consumption often leads to increased testosterone levels, sometimes even resulting in the loss of female sexual characteristics. Starting to get the picture guys? Too much alcohol plays havoc with your body’s ability to produce hormones correctly, no matter your sex. But what about alcohol use in moderation? Does alcohol lower testosterone if used sparingly? Well, now for the good news. Moderate alcohol consumption is ok 99% of the time. In a study on moderate alcohol use, researchers found that drinking the equivalent of 2 - 3 beers a day resulted in very slight testosterone decreases for men and no changes for women.


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