Rendering 360 stereo footage with EEVEE

Описание к видео Rendering 360 stereo footage with EEVEE

In this One Minute Video Tutorial we will use a new addon called eeVR to render a stereoscopic 360 degree animation from Blender EEVEE. For a longer version of this tutorial, check out this Faster Tutorials video:
   • Rendering a stereoscopic 360 animatio...  

This is the addon we used:

And the FFMPEG script we used to encode the PNG sequence into a video:

ffmpeg -i "frame%6d.png" -framerate 30 -c:v libx265 -preset slow -crf 17 -vf "scale=4096x4096" -pix_fmt yuv420p -an -movflags faststart -r 30 "output_sideload_4096_h265_crf17.mp4"

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