The World: A Television History - The World Religions 600 BC - AD 500 (1983)

Описание к видео The World: A Television History - The World Religions 600 BC - AD 500 (1983)

"The great world religions of Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Zoroastrianism, and Taoism all developed in Asia within a thousand years."

Enjoy Channel 4's take on these major religions! Soak in all the condescension 1983 has to offer toward religions of the East! The very end of the section on Taoism is particularly good. (14:48) Islam is also conveniently omitted, because the message of the faith is apparently not interesting enough to include along the other "great world religions."

Narrated by Robert Powell, who once played Jesus on TV. Music arranged by Hans Zimmer (yes, that Hans Zimmer).

Info on the series:
"26x26 minute programs based on the Times Atlas of World History."

"THE WORLD is a series covering the history of the world from the dawn of mankind and the spread of agriculture, to the great classical civilizations, the development of Africa, the impact of the great religions such as Islam and Christianity, the Chinese empires, the Russian empire, the development of the United States, all the way to the Great Depression, the World Wars, the Cold War and the division of the world into rich and poor nations."

This is the only tape I have from this series. If you have more info on it please let me know.

All rights belong to Channel 4, Goldcrest Films, and Landmark Films, Inc. No infringement intended. Copyright 1983.


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