Short Stories for Kids | Learn About France

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#BonjourFrance #CountriesOfTheWorld #ShortStoriesForKids

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Learn about France in our series of countries of the world for kids. Neena, Tiger and Appu are ready to take a whirlwind trip to one of the two hundred countries in the world. Tiger places his paw on France and off they go. They visit the capital city, Paris, where they find a lot of dogs. They smell the delicious bread in the nearby cafe and have a croissant, a traditional French food.

They visit the famous Eiffel Tower, climbing 2731 steps in the process to get to the top of the monument. They get an amazing view of the city before visiting the Notre Dame cathedral. They make a visit to the Palace of Versailles, the home of Louis XIV. Before heading off home, they make a final trip to Mont Blanc, a famous French mountain. The view is extremely beautiful from the top of the mountains. They have a croissant there and head home. To watch more stories on counties of the world for kids, subscribe to our channel.

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