Triple Trouble FNF but Its Calebcity & Friends (Epilepsy Warning for Ending)

Описание к видео Triple Trouble FNF but Its Calebcity & Friends (Epilepsy Warning for Ending)

Jesus Christ where do I even begin...

1) This was one of the most torturous songs for me to make a cover off because of its length and how clouded the vocals sounded. I couldn't use the MarStarBro FLP because I don't use FL Studio but instead, I use Waveform Pro (Get FL people, if I had FL, this probably would have came out a couple of hours ago).

2) The Samples were fine to work with, but 21 and Damn Daniel were kinda off-tune, so mb.

3) The ending part was kind of my salute to this awesome ass song/mod and I really would have loved to do it more justice by editing the mod itself, but unfortunately I suck.

4) Expect some more stuff later including Fixed "You Can't Run but its Calebcity" and the mod release for Astral Calebity (im too scared to ask for permission lol).

5) I'm gonna be trying out this monitization thing because me want money (No video ads and nothing way too crowding) (i hope)

Hopefully me sitting in a chair for 5 hours listening to the same song over and over again has done justice and funnily enough, I'm not even close to sick of it. Enjoy the cover and have a good day!

  / bagelbrotha  

   / @marstarbro  
   / calebcity  
   / @longbeachgriffy  
Triple Trouble (soundcloud):
  / friday-night-funkin-vs-sonicexe-triple-tro...  

Damn Daniel: 0:00
Caleb (Part 1): 1:46
"21": 2:13
Caleb (Part 2): 3:58
Griffy (Personal Favorite): 4:50
Caleb (Finale): 6:47


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