Biography of Sir Isaac Newton

Описание к видео Biography of Sir Isaac Newton

Sir Isaac Newton (25 December 1642 -- 20 March 1727) was an English physicist and mathematician who is widely regarded as one of the most influential scientists of all time and as a key figure in the scientific revolution. His book Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica ("Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy"), first published in 1687, laid the foundations for most of classical mechanics. Newton also made seminal contributions to optics and shares credit with Gottfried Leibniz for the invention of the infinitesimal calculus.

The text for this audio is from the book Life of Sir Isaac Newton by Sir David Brewster, edited by J.A. Hammerton and Arthur Mee from their book The World's Greatest Books, which was published in 1910 and is in the public domain. This audio was recorded by and is narrated by Antonia Bath. Copyright © 2007 LearnOutLoud, Inc. Any reproduction or illegal distribution of the content in any form will result in immediate action against the person concerned.

A Biography of Sir Isaac Newton. This is part of our audio book Great Biographies in Time. Download this audio book on MP3 for free on


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