CPR Indicator || Intraday Trading Strategy || Swing Trading Strategy || kulmaa stock market I FDSHOP

Описание к видео CPR Indicator || Intraday Trading Strategy || Swing Trading Strategy || kulmaa stock market I FDSHOP

CPR Indicator || Intraday Trading Strategy || Swing Trading Strategy || kulmaa stock market I FDSHOP #intraday #Pivotpoint #CPRTrading #intradaytrading #intradaytradingstrategies

About Video :
Myself Arvind Tiwari | NISM certified I This Video teaches the CPR and its trading style, which you can use for intraday trading, swing trading or options trading.

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Website: www. kulmaa.com

Topic Covered:
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Disclaimer -
Share market is subject to Market Risk. Past performance is not a guarantee of future performance. Arvind Tiwari, Kulmaa group and any person associated with this channel accepts no liability for any kind of content uploaded on this channel or responsibility for any direct, indirect, Implied, punitive, special, incidental or other consequential damages, arising, directly or indirectly on account of any action taken based on the information provided on this channel. We request people not to take our content too seriously & we sincerely apologize for any such hurt our video might have caused. Pls. take this video as education purpose only; it is just an analysis I Pls. don`t buy or sell as per my view I


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