Michel Lambert: Air de cour: Le Repos, l'Ombre

Описание к видео Michel Lambert: Air de cour: Le Repos, l'Ombre

A spontanious Live Recording from Le Repos from Michel Lambert. The recording was made as an aftermath of studying the Keyboard-Instruments in 17th Century France.

Airs de Cour were, according to sources and the numerous books printed containing them, very popular. As the Espinette, which actually in France ment a virginal (a true bentside Spinett was known as an Espinette a l'italienne), was one of the most frequently built keyboard instruments, we decided, to use it as the continuo Instrument for this recording. The Instrument, which started its life as a flemish copy of an unknown builder, was reworked by me to fit the stringing lengths and requirements of the originals and the descriptions found in numerous sources from Mersenne to the Mercure Galant. The flute is a Copy of the surviving Hotteterre flutes. The diminutions and ornaments are based on Lambert and Millet, the vocal part on Millet and de Bacilly.

Soprano: Jeanne-Marie Lelievre
Violin: Rahel Wittling
Traverso: Marie Delorme
Espinette: Thys Grobelnik


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