Teach your dog 'PAW'

Описание к видео Teach your dog 'PAW'

Teaching your dog to give you their paw is a fun trick that can also be useful in other situations, such as grooming or checking their paws for injuries. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to train your dog to give you their paw:

To teach your dog to give them their paw (or shake your hand) you can go about it a few ways.
In this video 'teach your dog the paw request' I reveal 2 methods.

Method 1:

Start by saying the word 'paw' and gently put your hand on your dog's paw and lift it. If there is any resistance or your dog doesn't like their paw being touched go to method 2. If they are okay with it once you take your dog's paw, say the word paw in a soft gentle tone then give them a treat.

It is likely at first your dog will not know what you want from them at first so keep repeating the action by gently taking your dog by the paw and treating them as soon as it is lifted up. Your goal is to encourage your dog to do it of their own free will.

As your dog starts to get it you can just touch your dog's paw and put your hand out. Overtime they will do the last bit and put their paw on your hand. Once they realised what you watn from them their response will sharpen and they will do it with enthusiasm.

Method 2:

Hold a treat in your closed hand. Make sure your dog can smell the treat, but don't let them see it. Hold your hand down near their paw.

Wait for your dog to paw at your hand. Your dog may try to sniff, lick, or nibble at your hand to get to the treat. Be patient and wait for them to paw at your hand.

As soon as your dog paws at your hand, say "Good paw!" and give them the treat. Repeat this step several times until your dog is consistently pawing at your hand.

Add the verbal cue. Once your dog is reliably pawing at your hand, add the verbal cue "Give me your paw" or "Shake." Say the cue just before you hold out your hand with the treat.

Reward only when your dog gives you their paw. Your dog may try other behaviours, such as lying down or rolling over, to get the treat. Only give them the treat when they give you their paw in response to your verbal cue.

Gradually phase out the treat. Once your dog is responding.

If you manage to teach your dog the paw command let us know in the comments section.


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