Best M43 Ultra Wide Manual Lens? Laowa 7.5mm f2 & 9mm f2.8 - RED35 Review

Описание к видео Best M43 Ultra Wide Manual Lens? Laowa 7.5mm f2 & 9mm f2.8 - RED35 Review

When Jimmy met Laowa in Hong Kong, he was very impressed with two of their new ultra wide manual lenses for Micro Four Thirds. If you need the widest rectilinear lens for your Olympus camera, these can be great options, providing that you can operate manual lenses. But with these two so close to each other, Jimmy used the opportunity to demonstrate what they are capable of, together with highlights of there strength and weaknesses, so you can make an informed decision to see which one is best for you.
#breakfreewitholympus #laowalens #microfourthirds

For Information about the Laowa 7.5mm f/2 MFT lens

For Information about the Laowa 9mm f2.8 Zero-D MFT lens

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