2024 Annual Meeting Opening Ceremonies | Brands and Sustainability

Описание к видео 2024 Annual Meeting Opening Ceremonies | Brands and Sustainability

Walking on stage during the Opening Ceremonies of the 2024 Annual Meeting this past May in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, INTA President Dana Northcott posed the question, “How can championing sustainability efforts build brand value?” In doing so, she linked what are arguably some of the most critical issues facing humanity and the planet today (climate change and the need for private sector–driven sustainability) with a fundamental goal of brand professionals today: to increase the value of their brands and their clients’ brands.

Ms. Northcott emphasized that corporate social responsibility is now an imperative, noting how sustainability reporting is mandatory in some jurisdictions, how it establishes consumer trust and value, and how consumer perception of sustainability increasingly drives brand value. Addressing her key question, Ms. Northcott said: “What is good for the world is good for our brands, which in turn increases brand value.” “If INTA members frame their branding decisions on what would be best for our companies and the world,” she added, “we could become one of the most environmentally impactful communities on our planet.”

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