Grim City - The Green Picture[Live@OPUS3 lounge]

Описание к видео Grim City - The Green Picture[Live@OPUS3 lounge]

Grim City is an emerging band representing and promoting distinct psychodelic/progressive rock tendencies in Lithuania and hopefully more widely. Formed in the begining of 2007 the band played for two years as "Marry needs milk" and after some member changes starts a new chapter in its career as Grim City. The band admits itself to be heavily influenced by the all time grands - Pink Floyd and The Doors.

Viena pirmųjų grupių Lietuvoje tvirtai atstovaujanti psichodelinio/progresyviojo roko kultūrą. 2007 m. vasario 3d. užgimusi kaip "Marry needs milk" grupė kūrė ir formavosi du metus. Pasikitusiu sąstatu ir nauju pavadinimu Grim City pradėjo naują kūrybos etapą. Nieko keisto, kad kūrybai ypač didelę įtaką daro legendiniai Pink Floyd, The Doors.

Gintarė Zolubaitė - vocal/keyboard,
Markas Palubenka - vocal/guitar,
Arnas Petkevičius - bass,
Janis Možeiko - drums.


Muzikos agentūra "Motif"
[email protected]


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