How to Stock a Chinese Pantry | Asian Cooking

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So my favorite part, how to stock a Chinese pantry. These are all items that I use and love a lot. So I'm going to start with soy sauce, since soy sauce is such a. . .You need it for every Chinese recipe, pretty much. This is Kikkoman. It's a pretty basic soy sauce. It's nothing really special, possibly not even Chinese, but I like to make sure that the soy sauce doesn't really steal the show. So I start with a pretty basic soy sauce. But you can use. . .there's so many different kinds. There's thick, dark soy sauce or super-salty soy sauce. So just get acclimated with the type of soy sauce you're using, because you'll be adding so many other flavors to that. Next we Chingkiang vinegar. It's like a black vinegar. It's very strong, very tart. It's got a little bit of a smokiness to it. It's very unique. I love to have this. Next, the Shaoxing vinegar. This is kind of like a dry sherry, which you can substitute if you're running low on this.

But this is great for a de-glazing. It adds a little bit of that dry taste to your dishes, so it kind of breaks up meat and other such flavors. Toasted sesame oil. This is a great, nutty, beautiful smell. I love sauteing things in this or drizzling a little bit on, for instance, won ton soup, once you're done. Next is Shacha, which is basically Chinese barbecue sauce. There are actually a couple of varieties of this. I've picked the one that says "Barbecue sauce," pretty easy to recognize. It's a little sweet. It's a little spicy. It's got a great deep texture, too. You can just ladle it over fish. Very popular, especially for hot pot. You'll see people using shacha as the base and then adding a lot of different things on top of it. Next I've got white and black sesame seeds. These taste a little different, and obviously are very different colors. So use them when you want to make something a little bit more interesting-looking.

Lao gan ma is a old grandma chili oil. It's spicy. It's very, very good. I pretty much can eat a bottle of this. They have a lot of different varieties, and the most famous one is their spicy black bean. But I personally love their peanuts and chili flakes one. It's really great, since it's got the nice nuttiness of whole peanuts. There's whole peanuts in there, and you get a little bit of the chili flakes, and you get a little bit of that mouth feel from the chili oil. Next we have the Sichuan pepper corn. You guys have probably seen this before. These are little peppers from the prickly ash bush, and they're just like a numbing spicy, kind of different from a regular black or white pepper corn. And they're pretty hot in terms of they kind of get you after a few minutes. So use sparingly. And finally some tapioca starch. this is the starch that you're going to see when you go out and get Chinese food, and you see that nice clear and thick sauce.

They use this to thicken sauces. They also dredge meat in this before you cook them to get that nice crispiness. We've used it in the filling to keep the meat nice and moist. So tapioca starch. And that's it. These are some great things to have if you to stock a Chinese pantry.


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