How To Remove Tea Stains From Cups And Mugs? (Naturally!)

Описание к видео How To Remove Tea Stains From Cups And Mugs? (Naturally!)

You probably know this, tea and coffee stains can be very hard to remove. Tea leaves a ring around your cups and mugs; these stains and discoloration won't wash off easily. Here is how to remove tea stains from cups and mugs, naturally.

➡️ How To Remove Tea Stains From Cups And Mugs (+ Prevention) -

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Video chapters:

0:00 Intro
0:40 Tea stain removers
1:32 How to remove tea stains from cups
2:28 Tea cup before and after cleaning

How to remove tea stains from cups?

Tannins are the staining agents in your tea and coffee that cling to your cups and mug surfaces, leaving behind stubborn stains and hard-to-remove discoloration. So it is no surprise that tannins are also used for tanning leather, dyeing fabric, and making ink.

If you are a frequent tea or coffee drinker, then chances are you are familiar with these stubborn brown stains inside your cups.

No matter how many times you put your mugs in the dishwasher or try to rinse them off with dish soap and hot water, the residue stubbornly hangs on, letting you know that it's here to stay.

But don't throw your tea or coffee cup away just jet.

I will show you a simple and natural way how to remove tea stains from cups and mugs using just two simple ingredients you probably already have in your kitchen.

So, let's see this magic potion in action.

You will need:

One lemon.

Lemon is a clarifying agent, and its acidic qualities help remove stains from hard surfaces.

1-2 tablespoons of regular table salt.

Salt has strong dehydrating properties, and it will help lift the tea and coffee stains. Plus, it's also an excellent abrasive, so it makes a good scrub.

You will also need a sponge, cleaning cloth, or paper towel, and stained tea or coffee cup.

Here is how to remove tea stains from cups and mugs:

Roll the lemon along the table to help break up the membranes, then cut it in half.

Put two tablespoons of salt into a small bowl and squeeze one-half of the lemon juice into the bowl. Mix it up so it would have a paste-like consistency.

Using a sponge, apply the paste to the stains inside your cup.

Depending on how stained your cup is, generally, you don't even need to apply that much pressure as the acidity of the lemon and abrasiveness of the table salt will remove the stains very quickly.

Now, if you don't have lemon or table salt at hand, or you have neglected your tea or coffee cup for too long, and the stains are really embedded into your cup, you can still save it.

I have left the link in the description above this video for five other easy stain-removal techniques and some tips and tricks on how you can prevent your cups from getting stained in the first place.

Check It Out Now!


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