Flash Transition Tutorial in Premiere Pro | Premiere Pro Tutorial

Описание к видео Flash Transition Tutorial in Premiere Pro | Premiere Pro Tutorial

In this tutorial I show you how to create flash transition in premiere pro without any plugins. This video includes: flash transition tutorial premiere pro, flash transition tutorial, flash transition, flash, transition, transitions, transition tutorial, transition premiere pro, premiere pro transition tutorial, transitions tutorial, video editing, filmmaking, editing, premiere pro, premiere pro tutorial, premiere tutorial, adobe, how to make flash transition, how to flash transition, how to transition, how to make transitions, cinematic transition, cinematic transitions, cinematic effects, how to add flash transition, how to add flash effect.

🔔Subscribe to my channel for more tutorials:    / @smertimbagraphics  

Project File: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LSOC...

Footage Used: https://www.pexels.com

📷Instagram: https://bit.ly/3EHn68N (@smertimbagraphics)

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