MENTAL Murray Cod Fishing-Is this the ultimate head noise silencer?

Описание к видео MENTAL Murray Cod Fishing-Is this the ultimate head noise silencer?

Head Noise.... that fuzzy distracting endless rabbit hole of thoughts that sometimes becomes almost to much to bare, leading to anxiety as pressures from the fast paced world we live in wear away at our sanity.
It's no secret I've had my share of battles and in this episode I set out to silence my head noise and I cant think of any better silencer then the hit of a monster Murray Cod.
I set out to Burrinjuck for a solo overnight session and with the weather, moon and barometer all lined up the big winter Murray Cod that call Burrinjuck home are on the chew.
This is an unreal session which silenced my head noise well and truly and if you to are having troubles then maybe you should try Murray Cod fishing and see if it works for you.


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