MOST used/loved louis vuitton SLGs

Описание к видео MOST used/loved louis vuitton SLGs

Hello Out There!

We having fun yet? Things are getting crazy with LV - their website shenanigans, the bumbag is still with us, secret price increases!?

Here’s a tried and true video topic just to keep things a little more familiar in a time when things are just seeming out of wack!

What are your most used? Are they all your most loved or do you also have some that you absolutely adore but for some reason never reach for?

Let me know if the comments down below!

Thank you to everyone who has subscribed already but especially to everyone who has left a comment. It is fun to just make these videos and totally nerd out on my love for luxury things but it’s also lovely to hear from completely strangers across the internet who love this stuff as much as I do. It’s just so cool!

And don’t forget - Instagram: @tripfamluv



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