9 Board Games Like Among Us

Описание к видео 9 Board Games Like Among Us

If you've been enjoying the wildly popular video game Among Us recently and are looking for a board game that has a similar feeling then watch to see 9 board games that have hidden roles or at least provide bluffing as a mechanic.

Poker: https://www.boardgameatlas.com/game/x...
Skull: https://www.boardgameatlas.com/game/K...
Sheriff of Nottingham: https://www.boardgameatlas.com/game/0...
Coup: https://www.boardgameatlas.com/game/1...
The Resistance: https://www.boardgameatlas.com/game/Y...
One Night Ultimate Werewolf: https://www.boardgameatlas.com/game/Y...
Secret Hitler: https://www.boardgameatlas.com/game/c...
Dead of Winter: https://www.boardgameatlas.com/game/y...
Nemesis: https://www.boardgameatlas.com/game/J...

More board game news: https://www.boardgameatlas.com


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