UAI SESSION | vol.1 | DJ Lord Ícaro - Rap

Описание к видео UAI SESSION | vol.1 | DJ Lord Ícaro - Rap

UAI is a Rap event promoter in Lisbon, founded by Andreia Ferreira and co-organized with Pablo Aquino. For us, Rap is commitment, Rap is art, so come discover what’s happening in Lisbon!

Shoutout to Dj Lord Icaro for providing us this moment! 🫂

🔗Instagram : @djlordicaro
📧BOOKING: [email protected]

🫂Connect with UAI:
👀Instagram: @uaimigrantes
🤝Partnership : [email protected]
💿Want to Dj for UAI?
Captured by: Andreia Ferreira
Edited by: Andreia Ferreira

All music rights belong to their rightful owners. always support the musicians and buy their music

Todos os direitos musicais pertencem aos seus respectivos donos. Sempre apoie os músicos e compre as suas músicas. Apoie sempre os artistas independentes


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