Rama Ninne Namminaanu- Husseni Ragam - Adi Talam

Описание к видео Rama Ninne Namminaanu- Husseni Ragam - Adi Talam

rAmA ninnE nammi-husEni - Adi Talam

P rAmA ninnE namminAnu nijamuga sItA
A kAma janaka kamanIya vadana nanu kAvavE kAruNya jaladhI (rAmA)
C1 sAra sAm(A)di vEda sAra santata budha vihAra rAjita muktA
hAra kanaka kEyUra dhara suguNa pArAvAra sur(A)rAdhita pada (rAma)
C2 dhIra sujana hRt-paJjara kIra nI pada bhakti mAk(I)ra madana sundar-
(A)kAra danuja samhAra duSTa jana dUra raghu kul(O)ddhAr(O)dAra (rAma)
C3 rAja rAja vandita bhUjA nAyaka sura samAja zrIkara tyAga-
rAja mAnasa sarOja kusuma dina
rAja paGkti ratha rAja tanaya zrI(rAma)
O Lord rAma! O sItA rAma! O Father of cupid! O Lord with a lovable
face! O Ocean of Mercy! O Pith and Substance of all! O Essence of the sAma and other vEdas! O Lord always abiding in the hearts of wise! O Lord shining with necklace of pearls! O Lord who wears golden bracelet on the upper arm! O Ocean of virtues! O Lord whose feet are worshipped by the celestials! O the Valiant One! O Lord who is the parrot singing in the cage of hearts of pious people! O Lord with cupid like beautiful appearance! O Destroyer of demons! O Lord far removed from the wicked people! O Lord who glorified the raghu dynasty! O Liberal minded! O Lord worshipped by Emperors! O Consort of sItA! O Lord found in the assembly of celestials! O Lord who causes auspiciousness! O Sun

who blossoms the lotus flower of the heart of this tyAgarAja! O Son of King dazaratha!
I have truly believed You alone; please protect me; deign to bestow on me devotion to Your feet.
Word-by-word Meaning
P O Lord rAma (rAmA)! I have truly (nijamuga) believed (namminAnu) You alone (ninnE)! O sItA rAma!
A O Father (janaka) of cupid (kAma)! O Lord with a lovable (kamanIya) face (vadana)!
Please protect (kAvavE) me; O Ocean (jaladhI) of Mercy (kAruNya)! O Lord rAma! I have truly believed You alone! O sItA rAma!
C1 O Pith and Substance of all (sAra)! O Essence (sAra) of the sAma and other (Adi) (sAmAdi) vEdas! O Lord always (santata) abiding (vihAra) in the (hearts of) wise (budha)!
O Lord shining (rAjita) with necklace (hAra) of pearls (muktA)! O Lord who wears (dhara) golden (kanaka) bracelet on the upper arm (kEyUra)!
O Ocean (pArAvAra) of virtues (suguNa)! O Lord whose feet (pada) are worshipped (ArAdhita) by the celestials (sura) (surArAdhita)!
O Lord rAma! I have truly believed You alone! O sItA rAma!
C2 O the Valiant One (dhIra)! O Lord who is the parrot (kIra) (singing) in the cage (paJjara) of heart (hRt) of pious (sujana) people! Deign to bestow (Ira) on me (mAku) (literally us) (mAkIra) devotion (bhakti) to Your feet (pada);
O Lord with cupid (madana) like beautiful (sundara) appearance (AkAra) (sundarAkAra)! O Destroyer (samhAra) of demons (danuja)! O Lord far removed (dUra) from the wicked (duSTa) people (jana)!
O Lord who glorified (uddhAra) the raghu dynasty (kula)! O Liberal minded (udAra) (kulOddhArOdAra)!
O Lord zrI rAma! I have truly believed You alone! O sItA rAma!
C3 O Lord worshipped (vandita) by Emperors – king (rAja) of Kings (rAja)! O Consort (nAyaka) of sItA – daughter of Earth (bhUjA)!
O Lord found in the assembly (samAja) of celestials (sura)! O Lord who causes (kara) auspiciousness (zrI) (zrIkara)!
O Sun – Lord (rAja) of the day (dina) – who blossoms the lotus (sarOja) flower (kusuma) of the heart (mAnasa) (literally mind) of this tyAgarAja!
O Son (tanaya) of King (rAja) dazaratha – one who has ten - (two) sets of five (paGkti) - chariots (ratha)!
O Lord rAma! I have truly believed You alone! O sItA rAma!
Notes –
P – rAmA – this is how it is given in all the books other than that of TKG,
wherein it is given as ‘rAma’. This needs to be checked. Any suggestions ???
A – jaladhI – This is how it is given in all books other than that of TSG/AKG wherein it is given as ‘jaladhE’. This needs to be checked. Any
suggestions ???
C1 – rAjita muktA hAra – this is how it is given in all the books other
than that of TKG, wherein it is given as ‘rAjita nava muktA hAra’. This needs to be checked. Any suggestions ???
C3 – rAja rAja vandita – this is how it is given in all the books other than that of TKG, wherein the word ‘pada’ is given after ‘vandita’ – ‘vandita pada’. This needs to be checked. Any suggestions ???

C3 – tyAgarAja – this is how it is given in all the books other than that of TKG, wherein the word ‘vara’ is given before ‘tyAgarAja’ – ‘vara tyAgarAja’.


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