JMRC Bison Viper Bigfoot RC Truck

Описание к видео JMRC Bison Viper Bigfoot RC Truck

This is the JMRC Bison or Viper I purchased on Aliexpress. In all fairness for the price this little guy isn’t bad. Actually the longer I ran it the more fun I had. But ya know, ya wait sometimes for a product like this one like I did…from AliExpress…and then the box is inside a destroyed outer box and then its box has taken damage and you’re like..”Oh well.”

But Ironically it didn’t perform as bad as I expected. The good is it’s cheap. So if you’re outside North America and get these things quick and can pick them up as a present for someone it’s not a bad truck. It looks pretty cool. But this is most definitely toy grade. No support in sight in the box and I didn’t do a deep dive online for parts but if there’s no website or phone number or anything inside the manual or on the box you’re really looking at a throw away car. I hate saying that. I do. This thing was fun and I’ll probably take it for a skatepark bash but truth be told I wouldn’t be surprised if you see this one stripped and in line for the Losi King Sling or Son of a Digger action in future videos.

So who’s it for? Well like I said it would probably make a good gift for a kid, probably in that 6 to 9 year old range with no hobby experience. It’s definitely going to be better than what you’ll find at most big box stores but not as good as the stuff you see for sale on Amazon. It’s hard though because good things are seldom cheap and cheap things are seldom good.

So why did I buy it? Looks. Honest. It looked like an Outcast. I love the Outcast body style and just got the new 4s (2022 model) and thought this looked like it was fun. And it was for what it is. But they do show it pulling wheelies and such and maybe I could fit a small 2s lipo in there that may pull it off but not worth it. The recent acquisition of the HyperGo Buggy and the realization that it’s the Hosim HyperGo Chassis but brushless has me wanting to do that swap. (video coming up.)

But if after that if ya gotta have one…

You can find the car here -

NOTE – I AM NOT ENDORSED BY ANY MANUFACTURER! I CALL IT LIKE I SEE IT! If I were to receive something from a company you’d still get an honest reaction. I love RC and hope to attract as many people to the hobby as I can. Wouldn’t be doing anyone any favors if I endorsed junk. (watch my Remoking Thunder or HPI King Crawler if ya want the proof!)

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