November 2 - The Beginning of the End for Catherine Howard

Описание к видео November 2 - The Beginning of the End for Catherine Howard

On this day in Tudor history, 2nd November 1541, All Souls' Day, Archbishop Thomas Cranmer gave King Henry VIII a letter that would spark off the beginning of the end for Queen Catherine Howard, Henry VIII's fifth wife.

Catherine Howard's past, her romances with Henry Manox and Francis Dereham, were about to come back to haunt her, and her present relationship with Thomas Culpeper would soon be uncovered.

In today's talk, Claire Ridgway, founder of the Tudor Society, explains exactly what was in Archbishop Cranmer's letter and what happened next.

Here is the link to Claire's talk on the executions of Catherine Howard and Jane Boleyn, Lady Rochford -    • 13 February - The Executions of Cathe...  


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