Motorcycle ride with Bucky Barnes (AI Ambience)

Описание к видео Motorcycle ride with Bucky Barnes (AI Ambience)


You'd convinced Bucky to take you out on his motorcycle. When you show up outside the front of the compound, he's already waiting for you. Leant against the side of the bike, he looks you up and down with an approving smirk. There's nerves in your stomach, but you know that with Bucky, you'll be safe. He drapes his jacket around your shoulders, admiring the way you look, before inviting you to join him on the back of his bike. You wrap your arms around him tightly as he starts the engine. The bike roars to life underneath you. As the two of you set off into the night, the only thing you can hear is the soft hum of the city life and Bucky's voice as he leans back to whisper to you.


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